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Zaharova: NATO pokušava da Moldaviju pretvori u centar za snabdevanje Ukrajine oružjem

Rusko Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova optužilo je danas NATO da pokušava da Moldaviju pretvori u logistički centar za snabdevanje ukrajinske vojske i da nastoji da svoju vojnu infrastrukturu približi Rusiji. Portparolka Ministarstva Marija Zaharova je na brifingu za novinare rekla da većina stanovništva Moldavije ne želi da se ta zemlja pridruži Alijansi, prenosi RIA. Govoreći o […] Чланак Zaharova: NATO pokušava da Moldaviju pretvori u centar za snabdevanje Ukrajine oružjem се појављује прво на Vesti online.

The main idea of the text is that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs accuses NATO of trying to turn Moldova into a supply hub for Ukraine and of bringing its military infrastructure closer to Russia. They also claim that most Moldovans do not want their country to join NATO and criticize the Moldovan president for supposedly planning to use the energy crisis to force a resolution to the situation in Transnistria. Essentially, the text presents Russia's perspective on NATO's intentions in Moldova, framing it as a threat and alleging inappropriate actions by the Moldovan government.

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